Pixel Perfect Web UI/UX &Graphic Designer



Capability Level
Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access & SharePoint - All Versions) Advanced
XHTML, HTML4-5, CSS2-3, PHP, Javascript, Velocity, XML, SQL Databases & Responsive/Mobile Design Techniques Advanced
Adobe Creative Suite Products (Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, In-Design & Flash) Advanced
Photography, Photo Manipulation, Vector Artwork & Graphic Design Advanced
BaseCamp, Jira, Team Foundation Server, SVN, GIT, Agile Proficient
WordPress, Cascade, DotNetNuke (DNN) and other various CMS's Proficient
.NET Web Applications, C#, Mobile Applications, Application Security, Angular & Java Programming Proficient
SEO & Google Analytics Experience Proficient
Video & Audio editing Limited


A Montana native raised on a farm with a passion for retro, vintage & rustic design. As a long time pixel pusher, I pull inspiration from the natural beauty of my surroundings and apply this into my creative work. I work in both PC & Mac environments.


Suzanne Jackson